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Five things men do that make their wives to cheat on them, don’t even try number 3


wife-to-be sex

Experts have revealed why some women cheat on their husbands. It was revealed that while some women become unfaithful by their of volition, some are pushed into it by their partners. While factors that push women to cheat on their partners may be numerous, from flimsy to genuine excuses, here are five ways identified by experts as leading causes.


Using sex denial as punishment or not giving her good sex

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Some women have extramarital sexual relationship because they are not getting enough of good sex while some some do it because they are not getting any at all, experts reveal.

The reason may be that that the husband is using sex as a punishment tool on the woman. If this is kind of ‘punishment goes on for some time, it may lead to a emotional disconnection between the couple and any little attention outside the wedlock may swing the woman’s romantic allegiance towards the one giving the attention.

Dr. Janne Lomasky, a United States-based psychologist, says women who do not experience real orgasm during sex may eventually lose interest in the relationship and look elsewhere for good sex. So husbands should be alert to the needs of their wives through sound communication so that issues related to sex would be quickly resolved. That way, it won’t lead to cheating.

Cheating or flirting openly with other women

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It is a crazy world where many get satisfaction by paying tit for tat. An eye for an eye, revenge is a strong motivation for cheating. Thus some women on their husband is a direct reply to what the husband has also done. The husband may have also cheated on them or they may think he is if denies them sex for no perceivable reason.

“Those who have been cheated before feel deceived, hurt, angry, sad and violated and it affects their relationship, mood, behaviour and the ability to trust the man, thus, they want to make such men feel the way they felt,” said Lomasky.

However, she advised that instead of cheating, they should resolve the issue and move on. “The biggest truth is that cheating never solves a problem; communication, assertiveness and increasing passion and romance in the relationship are a much better solution,” she added.

Lack of emotional connection or attention

It has been said that women are emotional beings who need constant attention and care from their spouses, thus, if their husbands do not show them the much needed intimacy and affection, some tend to look for it outside the marriage because it is in their genes to be cared for, and when they don’t get it, they look for it, which often compels them to fall into the waiting hands of other men. Lomasky notes, “Women deprived of attention, compliments and compassion usually have emotional affairs, which could lead to sex, even though it could start with craving for attention and compassion that has been absent from their marriage.”

And it is almost the same thing when women feel under-appreciated. A simple ‘thank you’ or complimentary remarks could make the difference, and when women do not hear such, they feel bitter, pained, underappreciated and it could breed low self-esteem. Whereas, if they have friends who make them feel loved, that could be the beginning of an extramarital affair.

Monotony and lack of creativity

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If you are boring her, she may cheat on you. Findings have shown that women love varieties and they want to be happy in marriage, but when they feel their spouse is not creative, more so if he used to be, some tend to have affairs. According to some women, new relationships are exciting. Men tend to do everything possible to impress the woman they are having affairs with, so those awfully risqué relationships tend to be more exhilarating.

Women want care, physical touch and attention, but when they have spouses who rarely spent time with them, some tend to seek attention from other sources, experts say.

You leave her to spend too much time with friends instead of you

Wife-to-be at brothel

The danger here is  social pressure. To avoid being left out of some circles – in which you have left her to spend too much time and she has now started seeing as her support group – some women take to extramarital affairs. They do this to ‘to belong’ because that’s the ‘norm’ in their support group which should have been you. In such cases, it is the friends who put them through, find them a lover and teach them how to keep it away from their husbands.

The bottom-line is to spend more time with your wife and keep communication healthy and intimate.

