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Incredible! How did condom get into this woman’s appendix?


Doctors did not know they were in for a surprise when a 26-year-old woman approached them with stomach pain and nausea.

However, the doctors were shocked when they found a condom inside her appendix.


The 26-year-old came to hospital complaining of pain and tenderness on the right side of her pelvis, leaving her unable to eat and suffering from a fever.


A scan revealed her abdomen was swollen with fluid so the medics, at a hospital in Cameroon, came to the conclusion she had appendicitis.


They rushed her for emergency surgery to remove the infected organ before it burst – but noticed it felt unusual as they cut it out.


They discovered the organ had a piece of condom stuck inside it – which they believe is the first case of its kind to be reported in the medical literature.

“We blindly dissected the appendix and found an incomplete piece of rubbery material which was consistent with a condom,” said the doctors, describing the case in the Journal of Medical Case Reports.


When the patient woke up from the procedure, she confirmed she had accidentally swallowed a condom two weeks before.


While with her boyfriend the sheath had become loose – and accidentally slipped down her throat, she said.

Doctors believed a woman with stomach pain, nausea and who couldn¿t eat had appendicitis and performed surgery to remove the organ (pictured in red). They later found there was a condom stuck inside it (white)

